Rightsizing Policy: 1,004 Pakistan Post Positions Eliminated, 19 Economic Affairs Temporary Employees Dismissed
The eliminated positions include various roles such as postmen, assistant postmasters, and supervisors across Grades 1 to 14.

Islamabad (Sahiwal Updates) Following a federal cabinet decision, the Ministry of Communications has approved the abolition of 1,004 positions at Pakistan Post under a new rightsizing initiative.
The eliminated positions include various roles such as postmen, assistant postmasters, and supervisors across Grades 1 to 14.
This move follows directives from the Finance Division, aimed at optimizing government resources. Additionally, the Ministry of Economic Affairs has terminated the contracts of 19 temporary employees in its department.
The Director-General of Pakistan Post recommended this restructuring to the Ministry of Communications. Acting in his role as Principal Accounting Officer, the Federal Secretary for Communications has approved the decision to proceed with these cuts.
Bakhtawar Yousafani, Section Officer at the Ministry of Communications, has officially informed the Accountant General Pakistan Revenue (AGPR) of the approvals via formal communication.
Copies of the notification have also been sent to the Secretary of the Establishment Division, Joint Secretary (Expenditure) Finance Division, DG Pakistan Post, and Chief Finance and Accounting Officer of the Ministry of Communications.
The positions eliminated encompass a range of roles, including Postman, Assistant Postmaster, Assistant Chief Postmaster, Supervisor, Postal Clerk, Head Postman, Town Inspector, Delivery Agent, Cash Overseer, Driver, Mail Guard, Porter, Packer, and Runner, from Grades I to XIV.
This action aligns with the federal cabinet’s decision on August 27, 2024, mandating that all ministries and federal departments immediately abolish 60% of vacant posts to curb administrative expenses across the federal government.