GSES Sahiwal organizes awareness walk on White cane day
Headmistress Miss Nabiha Zia and Headmistress Government Special Education Center Miss Alvina led the walk.

Sahiwal (Sahiwal News Updates – Director Public Relations) Government Special Education School for Visually Impaired Sahiwal organized a function and walk on the occasion of International White Cane Day.
Headmistress Miss Nabiha Zia and Headmistress Government Special Education Center Miss Alvina led the walk. District Education Officer Special Education Shahbaz Ali and Deputy Director Government Al Sahi Special Education Center for MCC Muhammad Ismat Bhatti were the chief guests of the event.
On this occasion, DEO Special Education Shehbaz Ali said that the purpose of celebrating the International White Cane Day is to make the visually impaired people believe that they are also an important part of the society.
He further said that the purpose of this day is to create awareness among the people that it is our responsibility to realize the problems and difficulties of visually impaired people and to solve them so that they can also be made useful citizens.
He said that provision of facilities to visually impaired people and immediate solution of their problems is the primary responsibility of all of us.